Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"Together we can make a difference."

TheCookIslanddawn came with a brief tropical downpour, followed by a beautiful rainbow framed by coconut palms.Following Leanne’s great breakast Ardys shared the thought for the day and shared Tuesday’s journal.Connie and Dot stayed at Vaka 125 to create teaching material to be used in Sister Margaret’s after school program. They read numerous children’s books and then developed questions to test the student’s comprehension. James took Anne and Ardys to St. Joesph’s School where they repaired books and organized the book shelves in the library.Paul again bused to the Takitumu Conservation Area and worked with Ian and John removing vegetation which is constantly encroaching the roads and trails. The day ended with a lovely picnic on the beach near Black Rock. James and Debi brought excellent Chinese dishes which were enjoyed by everyone.

- Paul