Friday, July 12, 2013

A spectacular school assembly

Our first week at Takitumu came to an end; the time is flying by too quickly. The school held their assembly in the morning which was a spectacular sight for us to experience. The children sang many traditional songs including our first experience with hearing the Cook Islands national anthem. Their voices and spirit were both inspiring and emotional for us to hear. We continued our reading time with the children and tried our first ice block. Barb will begin to support the children on the Nessy computer program next week and will complete the 50th anniversary invitation for the school. The day ended early as the children would be practicing sports in preparation for the end of term island competition between schools. We took advantage of our free time on the beach by the KiiKii. We enjoyed a fish dinner at a local restaurant where the local beach cat bullied his way into a few bites of fish.

Message of the Day: “The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit.”

Words of the day: chip butty = French fry sandwich