Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Making paper airplanes

Wednesday at Takitumu school! Steph continued reading with the children in pairs while Barb worked with them on the Nessy computer program. We are nearly ready to move on to spelling in that program. At afternoon playtime the children were very excited to be making paper airplanes and trying to fly them in the wind. Many of them landed on the roof. One can feel the excitement in the air since the school term is about to end. One of the teachers brought in cooked banana for us to try – it was very sweet. Engia baked bread so we got to try that, too. After school we walked back to the KiiKii on the back road. It was a lovely walk past many fields of mango, pawpaw, bell peppers, and other crops. It was very quiet with a beautiful backdrop of palm trees and Rarotonga’s majestic mountains! We even saw and old ceremonial airai-tonga site where the investiture of an airiki chief took place.

Words of the day: biscuit – cookie    rori - sea cucumber